Pages du chœur Gaudeamus Brno
cs en de fr es
  1. Nouvelles
  2. À propos du chœur embededImages/icons/rightGreen.png
    1. Conducteurs
    2. Membres
    3. Répertoire
    4. Prices reçus
    5. Reviews and Testimonials
    6. Anniversaire
  3. Concerts embededImages/icons/rightGreen.png
    1. Année dernière
    2. 2022/2023
    3. 2021/2022
    4. 2020/2021
    5. 2019/2020
    6. 2018/2019
    7. Older embededImages/icons/rightGreen.png
  4. Audio enregistrements embededImages/icons/rightGreen.png
    1. CD
  5. Vidéo enregistrements
  6. Galerie
  7. Nous recherchons
  8. Nous offrons
  9. Contact

Chantez avec nous!

Actuellement: Gaudeamus Choir Brno recherche de nouveaux membres

Would you like to try something new? Do you study or live in or around Brno? Do you dream of becoming a famous singer?

If so, we are looking for you!

We are a group of young musical enthusiasts and we are looking for

tenor singers.

We regularly meet once a week for rehearsals, take part in and have many interesting activities and, of course, perform concerts all over the Czech Republic and abroad. Come and sing with us to see everything with your own eyes.

What we offer:

  • quality musical and artistic direction
  • concert in the Czech Republic and abroad
  • cooperation with professional ensembles and soloists
  • participation in interesting activities
  • a young, lively and friendly atmosphere

We are looking for singers who:

  • have a desire to sing
  • have an interest in music and performing
  • have the ability to participate in weekly rehearsals
    (Wednesday 18:00 - 21:00 and also extra rehearsals before a performance)
  • are 18-40 years old
  • have quality vocal production
  • Any experience level is welcome.
Les contacts peuvent être trouvés ici.
Podpořte nás nákupem přes Dobromat!
./embededImages/graphics/DiagonalLine.gif Choir Gaudeamus was official choir of Masaryk university between years 1998 and 2003. See section History for details. ./embededImages/graphics/DiagonalLine.gif
Le chœur est soutenu financièrement par la ville de Brno.

Chœur Gaudeamus Brno
Contact du téléphone
Adresse e-mail
Page du chœur Gaudeamus sur Facebook Page du Chœur Gaudeamus à YouTube