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Jahr 2013: Wyszehradzkie Nuty, Wejherowo, Polsko

Photoalbum von diesem Festival zum anschauen hier.

The Project of Wejherowo Culture Center entitled Visegrad Notes is funded to the amount of 10 000 € from the International Visegrad Fund: http://visegradfund.org/

Amateur choral activities are an important and valuable part of the music culture of the society. Wejherowo Culture Center since 1966 promotes choral singing through organisation of periodic competition for the best choirs from across Poland – the Festival of Songs about the Sea. In 2013 the Competition Festival, under the auspices of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, will be held in the new, professionally equipped concert hall for 374 people, in a new building of the Centre.

We would like to propose this time an event in enriched formula accompanied by various additional activities (exhibitions, concerts, workshops for students and conductors, at the Faculty of Choral Conducting, Musical Education, Eurhythmics, Jazz and Church Music, of the Academy of Music in Gdansk: http://www.amuz.gda.pl/, and we invited choirs from the countries of the Visegrad Group, from Czech Republic (The Gaudeamus Choir – Brno: http://www.gaudeamus-brno.cz/) Slovakia (Choir Cantica Collegium Musicum: http://www.jtws.s from Martin: www.martin.sk/) and Hungary (Choir from Bekescsaba, from The Hungarian-Polish Cultural Association: http://mlbke.hu/.

International Visegrad Fund

Basic Facts about the International Visegrad Fund: http://visegradfund.org/

The mission of the International Visegrad Fund is to promote development of closer cooperation among the Visegrad Group (V4) countries, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, and to strengthen the ties among people in the region. The Fund provides funding for common cultural, scientific, research and educational projects, youth exchanges, promotion of tourism and cross-border cooperation. Most of the grant recipients are non-governmental organizations, municipalities and local governments, universities, schools and other public institutions and also individual citizens. The Fund also awards individual scholarships and artist residencies. By the end of 2011 the Fund has supported more than 3,500 grant projects and awarded over 1,500 scholarships and artist residencies.

Basic fact about Visegrad fund:

  • Establishment:
    9 June 2000, Štiřín (CZ)
  • Member States (countries of the Visegrad Group):
    The Czech Republic, Hungary, the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic
  • Governing Bodies:
    Council of Ambassadors
    Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs
  • Executive Body:
    Executive Director (Karla Wursterová)
    Deputy Executive Director (Zbigniew Machej)
  • Administrative Body:
  • Seat:
    Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Annual Budget:
    €7,000,000 as of 2012 (equal contributions of the Visegrad Group countries)
  • Source: http://visegradfund.org/
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